Thursday, April 1, 2010

BI Terminology Dictionary

Data mart = Dimensional schema for storing data as facts (or measurements) characterized by a set of dimension values that describe the fact. In a relational database, data marts are often called star schemas, because they are represented by a fact table joined to a number of dimension tables around it, which resembles a star.A data mart usually models a single business process.

OLAP Cube = An OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) object built onto a data mart stored in the database and presented through an OLAP Server like Mondrian, MS Analysis Services, Oracle (nee Hyperion) Essbase.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) = Application which integrates a community’s data into a single platform and facilitates access to this data. Examples: SAP ERP, Compiere.

Retail sales = Selling "en detail" in shops or online.

POS = Point-of-sale

Data warehouse = A repository of an organization's electronically stored data. Data warehouses are designed to facilitate reporting and analysis

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